Inner Chuckle

There's this little laugh which can be best described as a chuckle and it happens often. It's between me and myself.

For instance, I sat down to meditate just now on my rolled up yoga mat and,"Hehehheh", there it was again. It pops out with out along with a goofy little grin. I've even had it happen in the midst of a long meditation or in the middle of the night or when I'm in a crowd of people -- it rises up when i notice how hilarious my thoughts are.

Anyway, as i sat to meditate this morning it was because I had just signed up to become a "serious" blogger and I had to choose a name.  Since my name is Georgann Low, I tried using all iterations I could think of for gLow -- "glowinthedark" I particularly liked--but the only thing that was available was "birdglow" which sounded too much like "birdpoop". 

"Shortblobs" occurred to me and was high on my list because, in fact, my blogs will probably be short in that I have a short span of attention and am easily bored. But I figured people would think I was saying "shortblogs" when I declared it the world.  And that would never do because it was already in use.

So I settled on INNER CHUCKLE because it is reality. And, since my own truth is all I can believe these days, I'm happy to have that as my moniker. In fact, I'm thankful that after so many years on the planet, I've received my inner chuckle which says life pretty much always has it's funny side. It's like I've graduated.

Oh! But it's good to chuckle in these dark and difficult times!

Now, I will get back to my morning meditation.


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