A Very Brief Glance Into Psychedelics: Dancing Ourselves Into A New Paradigm

There are a good many things right about America. One is Rock’n Roll — its transformative energy ! I listen to jazz and I play with jazz musicians but today in front of The Denver Public Library, I danced my fool head off to a fine Indy rock band with a fabulous harp player! And as I waved my arms in the air and joyously gyrated, feeling my heart open to the universe beyond the city pavement, I sent my feelings on out to the rest of the world. For healing. For love. For joy. Guess the Sixties were not lost on me!

Here’s the thing about wild dancing. It can lift us out of our stuck places, out of judgment of self and others, and, when it’s really soulfully expressive, it can bust open the moment and lift us out of our boring lives into fresh possibility — unimagined potential — of energy dancing through us. Even a fairly brief dance can do that.

i was just reading an article in The New Yorker about taking small doses of psychedelics to get over yourself for a couple of hours so that you are able to see your life in a new light. Sounds like a plan. Except that you usually have to keep ingesting stuff to return to that creative new vision. That was one of many things I did not enjoy about the 6o’s. i jounced myself into a schizoid/ paranoiac state which ended up being ok because it started me on a lifelong meditation path which serves me amazingly well. Though it’s not a quick fix by any means, it is infinitely more reliable.

And learning to sit still in silence has, I think, made me a better dancer. I’m going to put on some Marvin Gaye and some Crash Test Dummies and throw in a little Salsa and dance myself beyond the Pale — whatever the hell that is. (Maybe it’s just the stuck place politics and pandemic has landed us in.)

Anyway, THAT is what I will be doing on New Years Eve 2021.
And I’d love you to join me!

Georgann Low